Introducing Fetch, our DOGZAR mascot! Fetch is a very happy puppy and fills everyone’s heart with LOVE when they meet him. His favorite thing to do is cuddle with his family. He is also an amazing dancer that loves to show off his dance moves. Fetch grew up near the water and loves boating and spending sunrises and sunsets on the beach. He is very inquisitive and loves all animals especially[…]Read more
Mobile Veterinary Hospitals
It is SO IMPORTANT to Find a Mobile Veterinary Hospital in Your City! Whenever we have an amazing experience with a dog friendly / dog related business, we want to spread the LOVE and tell everyone about them! The really great advantage with finding a mobile veterinary hospital is sometimes your dog may be to sick to travel, or you personally may not have transportation to drive to the doctor’s office[…]Read more
Poisonous Palm Seeds, Beware of this Deadly Little Berry!
I have horribly sad news to discuss, Hugo a dachshund rescue passed away because he ate a tiny palm seed from a palm tree. He needed several surgeries and was doing better in recovery, when he suddenly went into cardiac arrest. We were all completely heartbroken. I met Hugo at a pet expo and assisted the Dachshund Rescue of South Florida with taking some photos of Hugo and posting his adoption[…]Read more
Happy Mother’s Day Puppy Mama’s!
Thank you for holding me when I am scared, cuddling with me when I am cold, feeding me when I am hungry, playing with me when I want to have fun, taking care of me when I’m sick, massaging me when I want to relax, protecting me from harm and for loving me when I need love. Thank you for giving me a family. I love you Mama. Happy Mother’s Day![…]Read more
Dog Adoption. A Rescue Dog Will Rescue You!
So you have decided to add to your family and get a dog, Congratulations! You have just made a very smart and wonderful decision that is going to increase the length of your life and bring immeasurable joy into your heart. DOGZAR’s original founders, Bruce Lee, Rocco Jet and Jax, were all adopted through an adoption program that rescue’s dogs in need and finds them forever homes! We were so lucky[…]Read more
Are You a Smoker? Your Dog is NOT!
What are the affects of second-hand and third-hand smoke on your Dog? First, what is the difference between first-hand, second-hand and third-hand smoke? First-hand Smoke: In general, smoking is defined as inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette, pipe, vape, hookah, or any other lighted or heated tobacco or plant product intended for inhalation, including marijuana or tobacco, whether natural or synthetic, in any manner or in[…]Read more
Is Your Dog a Healthy Weight?
Personally, in the past I found it extremely difficult to determine if my dog was the perfect weight, overweight or underweight. I don’t have the right scale at home to weigh my dogs, and even if I did, how do I know if their weight is healthy or not? I recently went to my Veterinarian to get the yearly Rabies vaccination for Bruce Lee. She weighed Bruce Lee and did a[…]Read more
How to Correctly Greet a Dog
Allow a dog to approach you. We LOVE dogs, we love their soft ears, their waggin’ tails and their quirky smiles. Our instincts are all wrong though when we approach a new dog for the first time. It’s easy to forget that dogs see us as GIANTS who may or may not be out to harm them. Dogs are very protective of their families and themselves, so they have a system[…]Read more
Thank You for DOGS
Life brings us so many ups and downs. Especially nowadays, with so many intelligent, hardworking people desperately searching for jobs, good people working day and night to save their homes, living with so much fear and stress from protecting yourself and your family from predators, or living everyday in the fear of the reality of this deadly pandemic. It’s so extremely stressful and at these times, when you’re so in need[…]Read more
Brushing Your Dogs Teeth
Periodontal Disease is the most common disease found in dogs. You wake up every morning and brush your teeth, after meals you brush your teeth, before you go to sleep every night you brush your teeth – but what about your dog? I don’t know about you, but my little dog is like my very own four-legged shadow, he follows me everywhere around my house, and yes – even into the[…]Read more